Friday 26 July 2013

Environmental education in schools - sponsor Green Teacher Diploma

Promote Environmental Education in schools in villages under CSR

While there is greater awareness about environmental education in urban schools, there is no dedicated effort to promote environmental education in villages. one of the reason is lack of environmental awareness among the teachers itself.  

CEE has started the Green Teacher Diploma to fill this gap.  The details are available at

The Green Teacher offers teachers an opportunity to empower themselves with the requisite knowledge and skills for effective transaction of concepts in environment and development in the classroom. The Green Teacher is open for teachers and other professionals dealing with education and communication for environment and development in a formal teaching-learning set-up. All teachers and educators, irrespective of their subjects of specialization, will find this diploma meaningful. Till date, over 250 teachers and educators have successfully completed the Green Teacher Programme.    

The corporate could sponsor the teachers from the village schools to get the diploma in this unique distance learning programme and promote environmental education in rural schools.

Your views/ comments are welcome

Dinesh Agrawal

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