Saturday 11 May 2013

Using Plastic water Bottle as Light Bulbs

The light is required even during the daylight in the closed spaces.  There is opportunity to use the waste plastic water bottles as light lamp in such places.  Will your company  be the first to start this revolution at places where such idea could be used.  Please share your success stories.

The details are copies from the world bank website and is produced below:

It’s surprising how simple the design of a solar bottle light is – take an empty plastic bottle, fill it with mineral water and a few drops of bleach, and cement it halfway through a small metal roof sheet (the kind used as roofs in Manila’s slum areas). Then cut out a small piece of the actual roof, place the sheet with the bottle on top of the hole, cement any cracks, and voilĂ ! Let there be light.
This initiative, a project designed and developed by students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and implemented by MyShelter Foundation, is already transforming lives of low-income people in the Philippines.
Aside from giving light, it reduces the risk of fire-related incidents involving faulty electrical connections, which are rampant in informal settlements like slum areas. MyShelter Foundation’s vision through “Isang Litrong Liwanag” (A Liter of Light) project is to brighten one million homes in the Philippines by 2012 with the help of various partners and volunteers.
Here at the Development Marketplace, we love innovative technologies like this: transformative, affordable, eco-friendly, and scalable. Check out their video below:

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